Racquet Up Apps

Badminton Tools: Baddi Umpire 1.1.4
Racquet Up
Is there anything more hardcore thanbadminton? No, which is why you can now be a totally rad badmintonumpire and be the ultimate score keeper with this insanely mad app.Truth is you'd get all the street creds if your baddi bros see youuse this - either that, or they be like "wow is that tool using anapp to count score?"But what's the point of keeping track score? Well, the next timeyour friends are playing a game and lose track of points, you canpull out this Baddi Umpire app and be all like, "I know how manypoints you all scored because I have this awesome app to track it!"Then they'll be all like, "wow this guy has really been keepingcount!"In other words, this is a badminton umpire app that assists youwith counting points and keeping track of the current state of thematch. So, for whatever reason, if you want to pretend to be anumpire and count score instead of hitting the shuttle and playingbadminton yourself, then Baddi Umpire for you!